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ma boy

why i cant play it it says failed to load mono


oops i forgot to adding the mono files -_-


hey I cant open the Mac version but I'm using mac


get the itch app i had the same problem the app fixed it


Deleted 4 years ago

he needs to eat


good argument

lmao what th efuck is are these replys

i dont know

fuck its deleted

the comment said something like all the characters should be released for fre

(1 edit) (+2)

hello i am having trouble playing this game on Linux Ubuntu 18.0.4 the game does as described in another users comment as it go's strait to a solid color screen with a large cursor i also saw the what the "solution" was for the problem i just have one problem i have no clue how to change the screen size as no window pops up to change the screen to windowed mode is there something im not seeing?

(1 edit) (+2)

do  you have the correct file location "~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Streets of Rogue",  run the command ls[list directory] you should see

"StreetsOfRogueLinux_Data  StreetsOfRogueLinux.x86  StreetsOfRogueLinux.x86_64" of that run the command listed bellow "./StreetsOfRogueLinux.x86_64 -screen-fullscreen" 0

the first section selects the file(the game) and the second sets it to not full screen 

you should be prompted by the game,  asking if you want full screen, or not full screen when the game open

(1 edit) (+2)

it's in my downloads file because i got it off

if it isn't supposed to be there then pls tell me exaclty where to put it (i dont tend to do a lot of stuff in the console so extra clarity is appreciated) 


same problem, but what i did is i knew that it was just the setup settings screen so i put my mouse in the bottom middle of the screen and moved it up until the screen flashed and i heard a sound. that should be the done button. press that and you're ok


thx it works now


You are awesome! Thanks for this tip

(1 edit) (+1)

Good game, fun and addicting, fun events that can make the game harder and feel fresh. Some class have different ways to play the game and it makes it hard and fun. But my question is how do you save your game? It's frustrating that i've worked hard to get my items and get to the floor 2-2 and it just happens to reset it. Well I hope you add this feature or tell it to us on how to save the game. Anyways great game i've been playing this nonstop.


I think saves are for the saved Steam version and the other platforms



how do you play it im kne


i love this game and got hooked as soon as i began to play it but lately the game wont start up and keeps saying error im on a mac oscatalina btw adn it was working fine before please reply if you have a fix becasue i truly do love this game

not 100% sure but my guess would be that it's 32 bit, and you can't run 32 bit apps on macOS anymore

I made a series on this game because its so good!

(1 edit)

Loved it! I can wait to show my player two about this. 


The game is so good i had to make another video on it!


I am a big fan of this game the endless chaos that can be created is amazing! 

mac version doesn't run, keeps saying the application can't be started

plus it only came with the application file and i'm not sure if it was supposed to come with anything else


bro (4 mac) u have to install itch and then install the game


the linux version is not working here

the cursor become gigantic, and the entire screen is filled with a single color, during the boot of the game its black, but once the game boot, the entire screen is blue, and it change a little the color if i move the mouse.

i tried running it from terminal to debut what the issue was, and got this error:

Unable to preload the following plugins:

i tried to run it from steam, or copying those files for the same location that the main executable is, but nothing changed.

Had the same problem until I started the game in windowed mode first. Run the game with ./StreetsOfRogueLinux.x86_64 -screen-fullscreen 0 and then change the settings back to fullscreen.

it works, thanks!


Gracias por el soporte a Linux 

I really enjoy the game. When will be the full scope game available?

The game has been released on Steam, although I believe they also have a website somewhere where you can buy it directly from them.


This game has so much scope, so much range, so much randomness! Just playing the demo version is an exercise is being overwhelmed (in a good way)!

The premise is simple. Pick a character (all with different stats and different mission types throughout the game), customise that character to look as much like you as possible (or not, it's up to you!), then dump that character into a veritable warzone of gangsters, hackers, mad scientists, angry bums, gorillas and who knows what else and see what happens!

It's insanely entertaining, and there's so many different things to see and do and interact with and beat up that you'll be occupied for months... nay, years! So if you want an old school style beat-em-up with an open world landscape then give this demo a trial run. And if that whets your appetite go and grab the full version as soon as humanly possible!

Madguy / Matt, you sir are a veritable genius and I look forward to seeing more madcap work in the future =)


10/10 game right here.

This game is so awesome I understand for updates to take long since your the dev yourself, but what about a level editor! And ya know you do you with more of your awesome content for future updates?

great game, loved it!

I wish I could play this game, it looks good and my friends say it is really good


Why can't you play the game??

you can you just dont know how



why cant we play local coop both players on keyboard


This game is good


Just call it a demo goddamn. 

I quite like this game, are you takinging donations?  

Or is this a demo?  If it is can I buy the full version on itch?


To buy the full game you need to purchase it on steam

Can't I just buy it on itch?

I would rather buy it here then steam


whats wrong with steam

(1 edit) (-1)

The games on steam run slower than if you were to just install them straight to your computer


That's a lie.


I think he would rather give the money to the developer directly, Steam takes a percentage


this game is good/////////////



I'd appreciate if the game dev(s) could specify that this is a demo build and the new(er) version is on Steam.

(1 edit)

mais mu jogo que eu joguem


thanks a ton,  Madguy!


Great game, minor suggestion, change the like 'Deus Ex' meets 'Nuclear Throne' to 'Postal' meets 'Nuclear Throne', I feel it's more fitting.


This one seems like a fun game, I'm guessing that it's some old Alpha version on Itch right?


he updated it from time to time, the current version is from 2018/07

And the full(er) version is purchasable on steam

10/10 game the best game of all games

meme boi 21 1+1 = 4


Such a fun game to play :D

Eu míleiboro que a demo do jogo era légau


Im glad this is one of those games where they update the demo version because I realized that I was playing on free version 36 so im glad I noticed it im thinking of getting it with cash to great game 20/10 doctor OP :) !

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