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10/10 game

combo with escapist + super fighters (if you remember super fighters then you're cool in my book :D)



I really liked this game and i plan to et it on steam. If anyone has recommendations for games similar that i could find here on itch i would love to hear them.

Se eu tivesse um PC com Windows, eu ia ficar o dia todo jogando esse jogos no, mas eu uso Android ;-;

Lo baje en Garuda, soy un mero novato, a ver que tal me va

The second game is slightly different in many ways...

just bought it on steam and i love it :)

How to open the console?



I know everyone who found it doesen't want me to say it, but if you die on a run and you press Home Base, you actualy go to the home base and can play levels past 2-3 and have access to mutators.




dawg stfu

Deleted 56 days ago

did you know a knife can break skin? Try this cool experiment on your wrist

Mobile port please

Good Game !

(2 edits)

can you update this game please and add a bit more floors?(love this game so much, thanks.)


buy the game

....this is a demo.

you thought it was the real one without buying it???

What? I'm telling them this is a demo and it's not gonna get updated, I already have bought the game and have 400 hours on it.

I need to buy/get the Steam version. That was fun.

The game kind of stops being fun after few fkoors

bro missing steam_appid.txt


hello Madguy

I Hope you are well. We saw your Game, Street of rogue, and we love it. For this reason, we would like to chat with you to introduce you to our platform Unboared. In fact, Unboared is a dedicated platform for local multiplayer games that use mobil phone as a controller and a tv or computer as a support. We really believe that your game perfectly matches our user profiles

If you are interested in more info, don’t hesitate to give us a return so that we can exchange by e-mail or video

See you soon

Aurore Defosse Unboared team

hear me out i mean read me out ok that was a bad joke but i need views

Deleted 1 year ago

i did and it is a very cool roguelike

Thank you

I bought the full game on gog, it's very worth the price. 10/10


I love the game! Me and a friend found it here, bought it on steam and we really enjoyed our time. The diversity of things you can do and game modifiers are just too good to miss out on. Great for laughs and giggles while also engaging some cool gameplay mechanics. 10/10

Anyone got the control manual for this game? I didn't pay any attention when I first saw it so I kinda have a difficult time playing this T_T

(1 edit)

Game is really fun with the large amount of characters with various perks and abilities. It has a lot of replayability as every level is different. I love how polished the game is with the hits, and how fun it is fighting enemies. However it is a little confusing on how to convert people. Overall really fun finding new ways to defeat enemies and overcoming obstacles.


I have a problem when starting the game on the mac black screen sounds there is a cursor too pixel with what the beta worked calmly


I'm having trouble running the linux version. The issue that I'm having is that the 64-bit version just displays a black screen and then crashes, the 32 bit version seems to work fine but I think I might be experiencing some minor optimization issues with the 32-bit version. I read the troubleshooting guide but the only thing it seems to have is a link to a forum post for something completely unrelated that also seems to only work on Debian. I have Ubuntu and the terminal commands the post states to use don't work, the first one doesn't work because deb isn't a valid command on Ubuntu and gives me an error message saying that I don't have permissions and if I add sudo to give extra permissions, it states that "jessie-backports" isn't valid because it's not available in the sources.


After making a post about it on reddit, I've discovered what I believe to be what's causing the issue with the linux 64-bit version. Apparently, the 64-bit version has a problem with a library mismatch in the version of mono that it comes pre-packaged with.

For the one person who reads this, the new version fixed this issue.



ewdwdwdwadwwdwdwadawwsdwqs;.w;lspw;spws;                              2s

(1 edit)

So, before it said that it couldn't load, so I got the application. Now the screen is black, and I can't see anything. Can someone help?

Update: Now, as soon as I open it, the screen goes black, and Streets of Rogue closes.

Deleted post

Best game I've ever played honestly in my whole life.


e multuplayer offline??


Possibly the best game ever, get it now.


hopefully people in the future wont have to buy to play:(


You should know that games of this quality are not easy to make. Making games like these and putting them on store for free is basically wasting a lot of time for nothing.


LOL its free now.


Yeah but i mean the full version that's on Steam, where it doesn't insta-kills you when you get to a certain level



plis respect for the time and knowledge of creators, and men (or kid) find a job


How do i play with friends? can i use things like Hamacho or Radmin to host a remote lan match? or if parasec will work with it?

If you get the full version on steam you can play every level and do online coop

sería bueno que agreguen algunos personajes mas a la prueba gratuita, pero de todos modos sería menos lucrativo. pero en conclucion es un gran juego y se merece 5/5

can i play this with friends?


you can play with a friend. But not online i think.

You can if you buy the game on steam.


I managed to beat the game but ithink this game is amazing! Its just so much fun and i was disappointed when I beat the game. :( I don't have any money so i can't get the steam version :(((


i feel u man


You can always try to speedrun it 


I when I open the Mac version it doesn't work it says 

The application “StreetsOfRogueMac” can’t be opened.


u need to get the appication for it to work

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