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Hey man, i love your game, but i am having a problem where i try to click on a character to start the game, but it will not let me accept my choice or start playing. It worked a while ago but now has stopped working for me.

Could you try something for me?

- Grab this special debug build of the game:

- Run the game and get the bug.

- Go to the StreetsOfRogue_Data directory and send me the output_log.txt file (my email address is matt dot a dot dabrowski at gmail dot com)

This may help me find what caused the bug. I've heard of other people getting this, but was never able to reproduce it myself.

Once you do that, you can probably fix the bug yourself by following the second answer on this site:

anyone on please play with me multiplayer

just now

you just keep on pleasing us dude the multiplayer is great and a it doesn't lag alot, You've done wel;l with this update.(btw i started dancing when i saw it had a update!)

hey are you downloading this now

play multiplayer with me

finally multiplayer!

here is the sound track if you want to hear it

oh and another idea for the zombie character how about you make him have this starting item for him bacteria virus if you put it on the air vents and people become zombies when they touch the air

This game is exellent-and it's free. I would easily pay money for this.


Pls Help when i press start game i can't pick any character i press e on them and doble click this started to happen at alpha 14 pls help

(1 edit)

Can you press the Accept button? Do you have gamepad mode turned on?


New build today folks, Alpha 15. Git it git it

yay!, ive checked every day for about a week now waiting for this! Thx

This is a rogue-lite amongst rogue-lites.

I say this because, while it keeps to the standards of the genre, it adds so much to the gameplay that it practically stands on its own.

Graphically, the pixelated style holds up. Nothing groundbreaking, but it holds its own. The sound effects were on par, although I really wish we could get some background music soon. The controls take a bit to get used to, otherwise it plays beautifully. The gameplay, however, is where Streets of Rogue takes off. With so much customization and potential builds/play styles, it does have the feel of bigger-name games.

I can't think of very many cons off the top of my head, which is strikingly odd when playing alpha builds.

Overall, this is a damn fine start to what could be a sleep hit next year. Good luck on development!

You say you want music?? CHECK TODAY'S NEW BUILD :D


i have a glitch where i cant play or choose carakter plz help!!!!!


Very fun game!!! but can you make a zasd control please :'(

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

yes it is, ive finished the game multiple times and im pretty sure it says this is the end of teh game or soemthing like that.


I have an idea for a character that could be interesting.


-can turn killed enemies into zombie allies

-slow walk speed

-shop owners instantly become aggressive

-police instantly become aggressive

(This is just an idea, hopefully one that you consider).


He emailed me and zombie is comfirmed

Glad to hear that! :D

The Linux build requires Wine/PlayOnLInux or...?


It's a native Linux app, should run without those.

Thanks for answering. :)

However, I'm having problems running the x86 file, the window pops up but then the process just aborts.

Through the terminal it gives me either "Aborted" or "Segmentation Fault".


Not sure what the problem is, I don't actually have a Linux machine -- I just press a button in Unity that says "Export to Linux" and hope for the best. You could always try the Windows version using Wine.

Anyone else using Linux want to field this?

I see, I did some reading and apparently the 32 bit support of Unity on Linux is kinda borked (if I understood correctly), and since I'm stuck with a 32 version on my current laptop...

Oh well, I'll try wine.

Oh, game is awesome btw. Can't wait for the next updates. :D

Got it working hooray! :D

All I had to do was run using the "-force-opengl" parameter.

Also, found a bug with the shapeshifter, after the host death, I can't interact with anything and NPCs don't react to anything.


Yea shapeshifters got some problems right now. I'm on it.

Dude, I streamed this game tonight ( and it was a BLAST! OMG I was having so much fun! At first, had to learn the game somewhat but, after learning some stuff, I was rocking! I run an Indie night every Saturday and love to find gems like this! I dropped your link in my chat while playing so others can download and enjoy! Really a great job and hope to stream the game later when it is final!

Cool, thanks for streaming!


Sorry for spamming my own greedy ideals earlier in the comments. I love this game, it's great. Multiplayer sounds like something to push it quite nicely indeed. My ideas was just a brainstorm thing. I definitely don't expect you to seriously consider them, but at least read it and see if it interests you in terms of how you want the game.


No problem, suggestions are always appreciated! I may not take every suggestion verbatim, but if I get a nugget of a good idea from someone then it's worth my time!

When I open the game and do a game I get the purple screen (I have a very old computer, but at first glance I really liked it) sorry for my english I have used google translator, I am Italian.

Other people have reported this, not sure of the cause. If you want to help me solve it:

- Grab this special debug build of the game:

- Run the game and get the bug.

- Go to the StreetsOfRogue_Data directory and send me the output_log.txt file (my email address is linked from

This may let me know if and where an error occurred, so that I can try to fix it.


I tried to open the ZIP file with the PeaZip

And it didn't work.

Fix it maybe? Please?

Have you tried using winrar?

Hey dude! This is a nice game you made. I created a video about it, and i put it on NUMBER 1 because this game is literally freaking fun. xD


Ah sweet :)

Did you updated it to november 11 i thought it was october


Nope, last update was in October. But a new one is coming soon. Like, in the next week.

(1 edit)

please, dont let it be a cristmas present ,-,

looks good

(2 edits) (+1)

This game is amazing! Great combat aspects! The AI I think needs some work to feel special in terms of interactions with them, like they notice a door that wasn't opened before to inspect.etc just simple sub tasks like that would add a lot of personality to them. Maybe even aggression levels, intellectual levels involving of why they do subtasks maybe even sub routines that they play apart of per level that makes each level come alive sort of.

Not trying to say it needs more work and it isn't good, or trying to be the know it all how it should be when it's your game it's great and I could imagine it being more interesting (EDIT: for me) in all sorts of ways. It's a game I don't think many could really grasp the atmosphere of, you definitely have a talent for game development.


The AI is in a constantly evolving state. As of right now, they actually do have different aggression levels, vigilance, etc., but it's fairly subtle. Eventually I'd like to find new ways of making the AI seem more lifelike, making their daily activities more interesting, etc. But I have to prioritize other aspects of the game for the time being, since it's basically "good enough" right now, and a lot of the improvements I'd like to make wouldn't have a major effect on gameplay.

(1 edit)

Good reply. I couldn't agree more that the AI aspect isn't something that needs primary focus. Sorry I got ahead of myself and stated that the AI needed work because I love the characteristics of them and see a lot of potential in how you deal with AIs. Thank's for your feedback it was much appreciated.

I realized after playing again a feature for more destruction that also depends on strength. Like breaking windows, maybe axing down a wall over time depending on its material. I know you're working on a lot right now, just a suggestion.


You can actually do that with certain walls right now. For example, a gorilla can knock down wooden walls and destroy windows with a sledgehammer.

you can break broken Windows with a sledgehammer tho

(6 edits)

Feel like windows need more play involved, maybe you could also find a way to get through a window. Considering windows are glass, could be possible to make it so you can enter broken windows with a bleeding effect or damage taken. Maybe be able to use an item to safely enter. Or clear the glass, just interested personally in that sort of thing.

EDIT: And also would be cool for perks to be role specific as well. Not limited to just those perks ofc. Maybe you could be able to stack perks as well, like werewolf perks (+ more role perks) + regular perks. Not trying to get overpowered, but maybe it could require role tasks to be completed for you to get those role perks? Or maybe an upgrade to that role perk?

Perhaps perks can have upgrades as well, having level requirements aside from special perks. Werewolf Level 1, Character Level 1 maybe, or just combined for simplicity. Rank 2 Knuckles.etc

6 edits?! Dang! Yeah I suck at spelling as well, Ranks should like I said earlier require levels. Like Rank 2 of a made up example "Beastly" of the Werewolf perk. Requiring level 20 Werewolf/Character and same for regular character perks.

There is actually an item that allows you to pass through a window, i believe it is called a glass cutter, i recieved 3 from a quest

ist funny how some People write Like This to get Attention (i just saw that it is the same guy every time ( MaFiA_xGh0sT))

and ive just leard the Basics of Scripting in unity like the Basics basics

When do you think next update is coming?

Soon, getting toward the end of the initial online multiplayer push.

yay i <3 u i got got like 20 people addicted to this xD


(1 edit)

What engine was used to make this game ? BTW i really like this.

It was made with Unity.

Deleted 2 years ago

It's coming next build :)

could u add masks or different clothes that u can change into so people dont notice u??

i want new update so badly

thers this hack if you have a controller and play as the assassin you are god you cant die i guess thats a bug

The ninja god

i want to tell you that i've sunken over 30 hours into this game, finishing it 3 times and i want to tell you that i would gladly preorder this now already.... can that happen? please?

How quickly do you think the final version will be complete? Days? Months? Years? Millenniums or something?

Also really love to game, 10/10 I swear you didn't lie when you said that you could play for hours...

Final version official release date is next August. Will I make that date? Hopefully, it depends how much sleep I'm willing to deprive myself of.

Regardless of when it's "done", I expect to be adding plenty of stuff post-release.

Amm, Madguy you can tell me why I can not see the game, (I hear the sounds and everything but only a pink screen) thank you for your attention and I await your response. My pc is Windows XP

Not sure what the issue is, but win xp isn't officially supported -- 15 year old operating system :/ sorry

Deleted 2 years ago

o ya big fan of your games keep up the good work


mabye you can add easter eggs or mabye add somthing cool like mario and luigi or mabye somthing in your other games you can add a charther from your other games or add masks that give you powers or add a companyn like a baby dragon or a super dog im just throwing ideas

any ideas what's coming after multiplayer?

More levels, characters, items and content. Oh, and music.

my master madguy... What's new in the game?

Next build: Online multiplayer. That's about it. It was a big job.


Thats sounds very fun also what new characters will be added?

i like this game and hope its full release will be great!

No new characters this build. As for the future.. stay tuuuned!

(1 edit)

Well i do have a idea for a character but i cant find where to put my idea :P

In-game feedback form on the main menu

this is the best free game i ever played i give this game 5 stars beacuse is never boring i was playng this game for 5 hours and know what im not bored!! please update more and stay awsome game

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