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(1 edit)

I'm thinking maybe make slavemaster a class could be intristing (if I could spell)

Someone suggested an idea for the genie lamp so I thought I'd share my own:

The genie lamp when right clicked should grant the player 1000 coins. It should have a 50% chance of doing this and a 50% chance of removing all items in the players inventory with evenly distributed amounts of coins.

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How do you smoke Cigarettes? And How in the world do you "block?"

You need a cigarette lighter to light cigarettes of course :)

You "block" whenever your fist/melee weapon hits another person's weapon.


i have a cool idea for the genie lamp

it can give you a choice of about nine items and you choose 3 to keep

Looks like a very fun game that I would be interested in. Thank you for developing such a fun looking game!

madguy, you made a seriously interesting game. I am spending more time in this than other games. Awaiting for amazing final product. cheers :)

I have to go take a dump every time I THINK about playing this game. its just so good. But I do have one problem... make it run faster for toaster computers. That would be great.

Not sure how much more optimized it will get at this point, but we'll see. You can also turn off Fancy Lighting to make it run a bit better.

One step at a time. Thanks.

Devblog link?

Love the game but maybe add cars?


Sequel ;)

da pra jogar online por servidor com amigos ??


This is soooo much fun! You've done an amazing job on this. I think it'd be really cool to have a Magical girl to play as. Also maybe you could add attack dogs, so your character could have man's best freind or the give the goons a little more edge.

A magical girl, hmmmm. Like what's her profession?

There probably won't be dogs, because then you'd be able to kill them, and that would make me sad :/

Yeah, I understand about the dogs. But the magical girl I'm not really sure what her profession is per se but she could be along the lines of a vigilante. Like a girlier Batman. So maybe a character that would be able to ally with the police in higher levels. The vigilante would have to earn the police force's trust. The outfits could go along with the standard Magical girl lore llike Sailor Moon or Star vs. The Forces of evil. Or just a charachter dressed in Superhero Garb.

butt if ur misson is to destroi it you kant move on

i found a bug in the game if ur on the 3 flor and get a nuke on a fire plase it dus not explode!!!

Thanks, it's fixed in the next build that I'm working on.

this game is good! but if they hear breaking sounds they always search the Player. could you make it like they are Hearing it but they dont know who it was that they choose the first one they see near the breaking Sound?

wow this is a amazing game i have a question the game will have one "browsegames" or anything like this?

The plan is for people to be able to browse multiplayer games and drop in/out, yes.

This game is really well made!

I was wondering if you could make it so when you are hacking something people can't see it? Or if they go outside they don't immediately think it was you

Hacker may get some buffs in the future in the form of traits that you can acquire.

(1 edit)

when Comes the next update and what will be in it? (you must'nt answer)


First half of December. It'll have online multiplayer.

nice! and i guess some bug fixes?

Yup, not that many, but they're in there. It's primarily "all multiplayer all the time" at the moment.


when I saw this I stood up and screemed YESS1!

hi i was wondering if they would be a time slow down in multiplayer? (like when your a hacker and you use the laptop times slows down?)

and also when creative mode comes out will they be extra characters we can play as? such as ghost and robot? ghost will have all the same powers the naked guy has but the ghost can go through stuff and it can't hurt people? and robot should be like a slow character that has loads of hp and infinite rockets?

No time slowdown in multiplayer.

Not sure exactly what will be in the freeform mode right now, I haven't really gotten to that yet to be honest.

oh and also i was wondering how the multiplayer servers will work. will i need to use things like hamachi for online multiplayer and will the normal multiplayer be only lan? otherwise will they be a feature to host a server and join servers?

would enjoy if there could be a random weapon system like in borderlands, you's still get the weapon but the prefixes would change it in some ways (elemental shots, bullet speed and size change, homing shots, damage and clip size)

Sorry For Being So Late But Happy Thanksgiving Madguy And To Everyone That Helped With The Game. Thank You For Making And Putting Your Time Into This Game. Keep Up The Good Work!

One of the best games I've ever played in my life. I can't wait to see it become something big <3


Maybe You Should Add a Creative Mod with any weapon you want and godmode. maybe even a feature to add buffs? still one of the best games i ever played!

10/10 MaxGn


That may be coming at some point....


WOW! thanks for replying! and i CAN'T WAIT for the game to be done :D


I love the game and I am planning to buy full release but I wish that there were more charecters and if you blow up a generator it should cut power to the building but I love the game

(1 edit)

This game is amazing I made an account so i could say how much i enjoyed this game ITS SO FUN, I didn't realize how much time had passed. I can't wait till the next update and the final version, it is AMAZING! Question, How much will the final release be and will it be on Steam

Yo, final release will likely be in the $12-$15 range, and yes it'll be on Steam. Console versions are planned as well...

(2 edits)

MadGuy will i get the full game for free since i got the alpha :)

.PS I have 30 hours of gameplay in for this game i love it


Dang, that's a hefty amount of playtime!

Sorry, I can't give the full game away for free :(

''if you sign up you have a Chance to get a free copy of the game''

An exception :)

Madguy, Do You Know When The Next Build Will Be Out By Any Chance? If You Do, Please Tell Me. I Love This Game And Id Love To See More From It. Thankyou!


It's looking like early next month. It will have online multiplayer, which is why it's taking awhile.

online multiplayer?? the game is now set to a whole new level O_O

Madguy I find a problem! When you play with the little naked guy with a frinde he's kinda can't Do anything!

Yup, I know the problem. It's fixed in the next build. It only happens when the Lighting setting is set to None, I believe.

true i had this problem too. but i set the lighting to full and it works fine :D

I loved it, easily one of the best free games I have ever played, started playing and I just couldnt stop! I would Love to see this game progress and I very much hope it does! any idea when the next update will be out?


As soon as the online multiplayer is in a decent state -- looks like early next month.

There is going to be online? will there still be a singleplayer (probably a dumb question)


Awsome! any Idea when the full release will be out?

Current planned date is August 2017. Hopefully I make that date!

The game is awesome! I would love to see more.


But now I can't play it. I get all the way into the game up until the character select but all the charactrs are black squares and trying to pick one doesn't work. Pressing random just crashes the game. I really love this game and would like to play it more if it actually worked

Hey there, if you want to help me solve the problem, try this:

- Grab this special debug build of the game:

- Run the game and get the black screen.

- Go to the StreetsOfRogue_Data directory and send the output_log.txt file to matt dot a dot dabrowski at gmail dot com

This will let me know if and where an error occurred.

You can also likely fix the issue by doing this:

Go to C:\Users(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\Streets of Rogue\Streets of Rogue and delete GameSettings.dat. AppData is a hidden folder, but it will work if you type it into the address bar. If this doesn't work, try deleting the other files in this folder as well.

Clearing everything seemed to work, thanks for the help!

funniest enemy death yet: i killed a slavemaster and he got throwen into a gun shop. the owner comes out: "hey! knock it of!"

best death yet: i tried to stop a gone crazy scientist with a bannana peel... i only had 5 health... what i did? i stepped on the bannana peel and died


I would like to say that it looks like a very great and diffrent game but there is one problem. When ever i start the game and click start new game it loads then goes to a black screen. The reason i know its done loading is names come up on my cursor sometimes. If you can help me it would be really great because im wanting to record this game. Thank you for your time.

Hey there, if you want to help me solve the problem, try this:

- Grab this special debug build of the game:

- Run the game and get the black screen.

- Go to the StreetsOfRogue_Data directory and send the output_log.txt file to matt dot a dot dabrowski at gmail dot com

This will let me know if and where an error occurred.

Deleted 3 years ago

This game has so much replayability it's unbelievable. The funniest death that's happened to me so far was when I threw a bear trap, it bounced off a wall and hit me which ended up killing me instantly. I'll definitely be buying this off of Steam.


I run a small marketing company that focuses on indie games.and would like to just ask your opinion on game marketing as you are a developer, and your opinion is what matters.



CEO of ETriverce and ETriverce marketing

My "opinion"? That's pretty broad :)

It's very time-consuming, very hard, but also very necessary, so I got a publisher to help out (tinyBuild).

thank you for your comment about it being time consuming, i couldn't agree more.

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ITS THE MOST BAD GAME I EVER SEEN WON'T WORK On WINDOWS 8 ;-; ITS AWSOME BUT I CAN'T PLAYY IIITTT WHYYYY :-( (actualy its awsome :( but don't wanna work on windows 8,hope you fix it cause this is the game of the year! plz fix it ;-;)

Not sure -- what happens when you try to run the game? Please be very specific.


Lol sorry so streets of rogue won't work maybe because I'm usingg win rar maybe cause downloaded it in X64 Hope it work on multiplayer....... it's the pc problems.

Any ways thanks for all your Feedback's for me and all


how do i save a game


You can't yet. But you'll be able to 'Save and Quit' in the future. Also there will be unlocks and such.

ok , very excited

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